But can anyone tell the story of the Foss Grim or The Blue Men of the Muir or the Manx Dinny Mara. Names like Hoori, Ea or Oannes, Tangaroa, and Glaucus are all but lost to the modern Merfolk. I am storyteller and a believer that nothing dies until it is forgotten, these names and stories are of the Merman who are part of our History and Lore. I will keep their legends alive and now you can too.
The Legends

Blue Men of the Muir ~ Dangerous, Cruel and Dark, The Blue Men of Muir
(Scottish Gaelic word for “Sea”) are no strangers to the harsh ways of the sea.
They are called blue men because their skin is a blue gray color and they live
in the Minch Channel off the coast of Northern Scotland. It is said that the
Blue Men will swim up to passing ships and ask the mariners a question or
riddle, if he could not answer correctly the Blue Men would wreck the sailor’s
ship and drag them down to the depths.
They are also known to cause turbulent tides and sea storms.
Manx Dinny Mara (Man of the Sea) ~ Manx are the people and language spoken on the
Isle of Man off the coast of the Irish Sea. The Dinny Mara is similar in
appearance to mermaids, with the upper half of the body of a man and the lower
half the tail of a fish. However, the Dinny Mara is quit ugly! They are
believed to have pig snouts for noses that are red from drinking the brandy
from shipwrecks and wrinkled foreheads, it is also said that you will know a
Dinny Mara by his red cap. Though the Dinny Mara is an ugly creature, they are wonderful
Fathers and quite helpful and friendly to sailors. They warn the sailors of
coming storms or bring them fish to eat if the sailor’s food supply runs low.
The fastest way to get on the bad side of a Dinny Mara is to whistle while
aboard a ship at sea. The whistling will awaken and anger the Dinny Mara, which
will cause him to seek revenge upon the sailor who disturbed his rest.
~ In Ancient Japan lived two brothers Hoderi, a great fisherman and Hoori, a great
Hunter. One day Hoderi loaned his lucky
fishing hook to his brother, with the hopes that it would enable him to be a
successful fishermen. Unfortunately Hoori did not catch any fish;
in fact he
lost his brother’s lucky hook. Hoderi demanded that Hoori return to the sea to
find his lucky hook. Hoori descend to the bottom of the sea, but instead of his
brothers hook, he found Toyotama (rich Jewel) the daughter of the Sea God. They
fell in love, the Sea God granted Hoori a tail and gills, so he may live underwater
with new bride. As always the day came when Hoori longed for his home on the
land and the Sea God beginning of a gentle heart, gave Hoori the missing hook
so he may return to his brother and home.
Before leaving their home in the sea Toyotama, made Hoori promise to
build a home for them on land where she could deliver their child. The night of
the birth Toyotama told Hoori he must not look at while she was in labor,
curiosity got the best of him and when he spied on his wife he saw her in her
true form…a dragon. Toyotama found out that Hoori spied on her and she returned
to the sea, living her Husband and child behind. Toyotama’s sister raised the
baby and when he was of age, they were married. It is said that one of their
children grew up to Japan’s first emperor, Jimmu Tenno. An emperor with Merfolk
and Dragon blood!
or Oannes ~ One of the most ancient water deities, the Babylonian god Ea, known
as Oannes the Merman who taught early man the art of agriculture and
architecture . God of wisdom, art,
farming, building and of course he was the primal ruler of water.
~ In Polynesian mythology Tangaroa rules the seas and all the creatures of the
seas. It is believed that Tangaroa is so big he breathes only once per day
each breath it causes the tides to raise and to fall. He is the God of
fertility and the Oceans and he is considered to be one of the Great Creator
Spirits. Tangaroa’s mother is the Creator, Earth Goddess known as Papatuanuku.
><((((º> FIN FACT ><((((º>
Did you know that Tangaroa is at Disneyland? That's right our own water God can be found at the Tikki Room! So next time you are at Disney, stop by and say Hi to a hidden Merman of the Islands!

Glaucus ~ In Greek legend, a fisherman named Glaucus turned into a merman after eating what he believed to be enchanted sea grass. Feeling drawn to the ocean, Glaucus dove in; the sea deities turned his human legs into a fish’s tail. He is said to have green hair and a Metamorphose.
green beard and skin of a blue-green color. The Roman poet Ovid wrote stories of Glaucus in his work
><((((º> FIN FACT ><((((º>
Glaucus Atlanticus is a species of blue sea slug!
of course a little Lore on Triton, the Titonesse and Poseidon….
the son of the Greek God Poseidon (ruler of the sea) and Husband to Aphrodite
the Goddess of Love and Beauty, bestowed upon his wife The Tritons. The Tritons
were said to have evolved from Triton himself, they served as personal
bodyguards and entourage for Aphrodite. The Tritons where described as having
green hair, small hard scales, sea green eyes, and rough hands, a dolphin like
tail, and gills behind their ears. The female, Triteness’s’ were of course
beautiful but dangerous, they are often depicted as twin tailed mermaids.
tales are few and far between, but they are out there. In every culture since
the beginning of man’s time here on Earth there have been tales and sightings
of Merfolk. Stories that have been past
down, names that have been kept alive and now I give these stories to you. It is important that we keep our own legends
alive and strong and it is even more important to have these Mermen to look to
for strength and masculinity in a world that is so dominated by women. Even in
this modern day, we must look to the past and our ancestors.
Peace, & Mermaids,
sure you stop by Merman Minerals.com to check out all the products from shave
creams to shampoos, this stuff isn’t for the Mermaids! Merman of the Month
Contest in now in full swing, swim on over to Merman Minerals Facebook page to
vote for your favorite Hunky Merman or Sultry Pirate.
back with Mermaid Talk for more blogs, photos, and adventure!
a comment, stay connected and be sure to follow Meridian Mer-Gyver at:
~My Stories are
dedicated to my dear friends David and Chris DuFour ~
~Thanks for making my life
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