Saturday, June 1, 2013

A Mermaid’s Hair is her Crowning Glory

My Mother always told me that a Woman’s hair is her crowning glory. The same holds true to the Mermaid’s of Myth and Legend. Hair has always been a central part of the mermaids physic.  Throughout lore and legend seafarers have reported seeing mermaid’s hair floating across the water or wrapped around her body, carefully covering her breast.  A woman’s hair has often been thought of as her most seductive feature, even today many religions consider the hair to be a seductive attribute and a distraction. Therefore the women are to cover their hair with wigs or scarves. Catholic Nuns always shaved their heads, until recent years; now they just conceal their hair with a veil or Habit. But the mermaid has always been free, her hair long and lose, no man will bound her, no place will cage her. She is as free and wild and as her untamed hair. Patrice Radford author of Lusty Ladies: Mermaids in the Medieval Irish Churches  says “Hair, because of its ability to re- grow, relates to rebirth…Hair that was put up or covered with a cap could, metaphorically, be seen as lost-along with any power it was believed to possess. Hair, then, is associated with vital female forces.”  That is quite empowering, but with long hair comes lots of care and maintenance, perhaps that is why we often see the Mermaid combing her hair in the sun.

With all this hair comes all this responsibility, long beautiful locks don’t just happen overnight! This month’s blogs will be all about caring for and having fun with hair. Everything that I will be blogging about will be Natural ways to care for your hair and everything you can do at home! No more expensive salon trips with smelly chemicals that ruin your hair. Tried and Tested by Real Mermaids, I will have reviews for you on the Mermaid Mane line. If you want to get a jump on things head to the Mermaid Minerals store front and check out our line of Hair Products.  My favorite Pretty Peppermint Hair Conditioner, not only does it smell great and keep my hair soft, it is 100% Vegan!!

Here are a few easy to follow tips:

><((((º>   Always braid your hair before going to bed

><((((º>  Always brush your hair before washing

><((((º>  Try to avoid using Hair Dryers, they dry out and damage your hair. If you must use a hair dryer use a cool setting.

><((((º>  Let your hair down, whenever possible wear your hair loss and free. This gives your hair a break, keeping it pulled back stresses out the hair and causes breakage.

><((((º>  Never rub your hair when toweling it dry. Instead, press a towel against the top of your hair and push it slowly toward the tips of your hair.

><((((º>   Brushing your hair with natural bristles will add and shine and luster to your hair.

Have questions about hair care or Mermaid Mane products? Leave a comment below and next week I will answer them!

Love, Peace, & Mermaids,

Leave a comment, stay connected and be sure to follow Meridian Mer-Gyver at:


  1. Your meaning of natural bristles?

  2. By natural bristles I am referring to boars hair brush, which you can purchase at any beauty supply shop or pharmacy, like Wal-Greens. You can also purchase them online. I hope this helps!
