We are just going to jump right into the tutorial because there is nothing I hate more then finding an awesome blog or tutorial that goes on and on before you get to actual info you were looking for. So here we go....
Supplies List:
Decorative glass jars or Mason jars. (I used recycled jars from old candles.)
Body Wash (I prefer clear scentless body wash)
Knox Gelatin ~ Vegan Substitute: Agar or Konnyaku jelly powder
Essential oils or your favorite perfume
Food coloring
Plastic bowls or Tupperware for mixing
1/4 cup cold water
1/4 cup boiling water
I used the Knox Gelatin for my Bath Jello, I have not experimented the vegan substitutes. If you do, please share you experience with us in the comments! For vegan substitutes follow package directions, skip to step 2 of this tutorial.
Sprinkle the gelatin powder over 1/4 cup cold water and let stand for one minute. Add 1/4 cup boiling water and stir until all of the powder has dissolved and the water clear.
Now the fun part! I used one package of gelatin per bowl and added my color and fragrance to the separate bowls. Add 2 - 6 drops of food coloring, the more drops the darker the color. Then add 2 - 4 drops of your favorite perfume or essential oil. Gently stir in 1 tablespoon of body wash, try not to make bubbles or foam while stirring.
*Footnote Glitter or Mica powder were also used in these test batches however it did not work out so I left it out of the tutorial. The glitter and Mica sunk to the bottom and stick to the bowls! Very little was left in the bath Jello.
*Footnote Glitter or Mica powder were also used in these test batches however it did not work out so I left it out of the tutorial. The glitter and Mica sunk to the bottom and stick to the bowls! Very little was left in the bath Jello.
Carefully place the bowls in the refrigerator for at least 45 minutes, I leave my bath Jello to sit over night, uncovered, before bottling. Once your bath Jello has set up into a firm yet bouncy consistency it's ready! You can use right away or slice it up for bottling. I cut my bowls of bath Jello into cubes and scooped them into glass jars. They will last in the refrigerator for several weeks but it will get watery as it sits. You can either drain off the extra water or pour it into your bath for a hint of color and fragrance!
Now you have made this stuff, what do you do with it?!
Now you have made this stuff, what do you do with it?!
The gelatin is really good for the skin and hair. Use it to wash your hair and body or let the Jello dissolve in a hot bath and soak in the sweet smelling colorful water. I take the Jello cubes crumble them in my hands and rub them through my hair. Not only does my hair smell lovely but it gives my hair more body and bounce!
Bath Jello is also fun for the kids, just don't let them eat it!!! Put a scoop or two into the bath and let the kids play with it until it's dissolved or just let them play with it in the sink or tub. Either way they will be clean and so will your sink! You could even let the kids help make the bath Jello and they can pick which "flavor" they want for bath time! Store it in Tupperware and let them take the whole bowl into the bath and help make bath time a fun new experience.
Thanks for checking out my process! If you try this at home please post pictures in the comments below or to
Thanks for checking out my process! If you try this at home please post pictures in the comments below or to
Love, Peace, & Mermaids,
Meridian Mer-Gyver
Check back with me for more blogs, photos, and adventure! Leave a comment, stay connected and be sure to follow Meridian Mer-Gyver on Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter!
Meridian Mer-Gyver
Check back with me for more blogs, photos, and adventure! Leave a comment, stay connected and be sure to follow Meridian Mer-Gyver on Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter!