In the world of make believe, the lands of Never-Neverland,
and the sprawling planes of OZ, there lurks the dark and deadly diseases only
known to the fairy tale creatures that live there. Fairy tale creatures are immune
to most of the MTD’s (Mythological Transmitted Diseases) in their region;
however most mortals, humans, and muggles are at best plagued by MTDs. One such MTD, I would like to discuss with
you is the most serious and most dangerous of all Mythological Transmitted
Disease to the mundane/human world…
Glitter or the “Herpes of the Craft World” is the most
feared of all the MTD’s. While mermaids and fairies love glitter and would
cover the world with it, glitter frightens the humans. When it clings to their skin it
causes much complaining, itching, and is hard to remove. As carriers of MTD and
especially Glitter, it is our job to be responsible and to maintain a since a
safety around the humans. For that reason Mermaid Minerals offers the most
amazing Glitter Glue for makeup and skin!
When at home in my mermaid nest of octopus, shells, and
pearls, glitter runs free with no regard for the humans who share a domicile with me. I have even been known to transmit Glitter to the casual visitor and even the pets! It is most
uncomfortable for the humans (quit entertaining for me) but when I leave the
mermaid nest it is best to apply the Mermaid Minerals glitter glue to make sure
you are not spreading Glitter to innocent muggles on the street.
One of my favorite go to glitters is Diamond, from the
GLITTER GORGEOUS EYES collection of Glitter Eye Shadows. They come in little
pots of fine, lose glitters that can be used for more than eye shadow! Mermaid Minerals offers 9 bold, beautiful colors
with more colors to be added this year. When applying your glitter make sure to
keep a tube of GLITZ FIX clear gel glue that washes off easily with warm water
and soap or make-up remover. Here some
of my favorite ways to wear glitter….
Diamond Glitter Collection
Apply Glitz fix to your lash line all the way
across, roll a Q-tip in the glitter of your choice and roll it over the glue.
Apply a little more Glitz fix to your lower lash line, just in the corner and
outer edge; again apply glitter with the tip of a Q-tip. When the glue has
dried and set, wipe off extra glitter with a large make-up brush and you’re

For something a little more settle, apply Glitz
Fix to the inner corners of your eyes and apply glitter with Q-Tip just as
before. Again removing extra glitter with large makeup brush.
><((((º> Add it to Lotion or Natural Oils for a touch of sparkle or
add it to your sunscreen or tanning lotion when at the beach or basking in the
><((((º> Wear it on your lips! Add a touch of glitter to your lipgloss or blot glitter onto your lips, holding it in place with a bit of Glitz
Fix. Or go wild and crazy and cover your pouty lips in glitter!!! Make sure to
keep it all in place with I-Liner Clear for a waterproof glittery pouter.
><((((º> For more dramatic glitter eyes cover your eyelids in
matching glitter to your eye shadow for bright sparkly color!
Mermaids are water creatures and glitter was given us by the
fairies, creatures of the earth, and once we mermaids hit the water our glitter
washes away. Well no more, says Mermaid Minerals!
To waterproof any of your eye liner, eye shadow or eye brow pencil, use I-Line
Clear eyeliner to WATERPROOF your look!
You can always use I-Line Clear in your mineral powder eye shadow; dip
the tip of the applicator into your eyeshadow to collect some powder, brush
across your eyelid as you would any eye liner. Now you can turn any eye shadow
into your custom color eye liner and best of all it is waterproof!
Love, Peace, & Mermaids,
Come back next week for a Glitter Pill Tutorial! A fun and easy way to keep your glitter in control and safe to travel with in the mundane world!
Glitter Pills! |